Apache Handlers


Last modified: November 29, 2022


Apache handlers control how your site’s Apache web server software manages certain file types and file extensions. Apache can handle CGI scripts and server-parsed files. The file extensions for these files include .cgi.pl.plx.ppl.perl, and .shtml.

You can configure Apache to use an existing handler to handle a new file type. To do this, manually add the handler and extension in this interface.

Create an Apache Handler

To add an Apache handler, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the handler name in the Handler text box. cPanel includes the following built-in handlers:
    • default-handler — Sends the file and uses Apache’s default handler for static content.
    • send-as-is — Sends the file with HTTP headers intact.
    • cgi-script — Handles the file as a CGI script.
    • imap-file — Parses the file as an imagemap rule file.
    • server-info — Retrieves the server’s configuration information.
    • server-parsed — Parses the file for server-side includes.
    • server-status — Retrieves the server’s status report.
    • type-map — Parses the file as a type map file.
  2. Enter the file extension in the Extension(s) text box.
    • A file extension consists of the letters after the dot (.) in a file name (for example, filename.fileextension).
    • Space-separate multiple extensions (for example, .cgi .pl .ppl).
  3. Click Add.

This interface does not allow you to create custom Apache handlers.

Remove an Apache Handler

To remove a user-defined handler, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Delete under the Remove heading for the appropriate handler in the User Defined Apache Handlers table.
  2. Click Yes.

You cannot remove the file extensions that Apache automatically handles.

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