Backup System Migration

Valid for versions 82 through the latest version

Last modified: December 5, 2022


The Backup System Migration interface only appears when backups exist under the legacy backup configuration. We strongly recommend the following actions:

  1. Set up and only use the Backup Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Backup » Backup Configuration) to configure your server backups.
  2. After you complete the above step, use the Backup System Migration interface to migrate existing legacy backups to the Backup system.

For additional information about backup configurations, read our Backup Configuration documentation.


The Backup System Migration interface automatically converts and migrates any Legacy Backup system files to the current Backup system. The Backup system offers the same features as the Legacy Backup system and increases efficiency and performance for your system.

We implemented the Backup System Migration interface in cPanel & WHM version 64. We plan to remove the Legacy Backup Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Backup » Backup Configuration) from WHM in a future release.

Backup system conversion

To convert and migrate your Legacy Backup system files to the Backup system, click Migrate.


The Legacy Backup system only allows you to retain one retention point for incremental backups. The Backup system grants multiple retention points for incremental backups. When you migrate to the Backup system, you must update your retention point value in the Backup Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Backup » Backup Configuration) or you will lose your existing backup. You can set this value in the Retention box under the Scheduling and Retention section in WHM’s Backup Configuration interface (WHM » Home » Backup » Backup Configuration).

If you wish to use the maximum number of retention points, set your retention point value to 9999.

The system performs the following actions when you click Migrate:

  1. The conversion and migration process creates the new /var/cpanel/backups/config file for the Backup system. This file duplicates the existing Legacy Backup configuration.
  2. After the system converts the Legacy Backup system files to the Backup system files, the system renames the Legacy Backup configuration file.
    • The new Legacy Backup configuration filename resembles the filename format /etc/cpbackup.conf-1234567891234, where the 1234567891234 value represents the number of seconds, in Unix epoch time.
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